By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 07:29 - United States

Today, I was grounded for not agreeing with an article on dating my mom found in a very strict magazine. The article told parents to monitor phone calls, make rumors about their children cheating on people and not allow their children anywhere but home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 499
You deserved it 3 141

Same thing different taste


I kinda wanna read this magazine. Yeah your life sucks..

skyeyez9 24

Get even and ruin your mom's reputation as well.

fthku 13

You really should have typed "article on dating WHICH my mom found". I sort of half read it at first and was quite disturbed.

Oh my god, #109, stfu! I am so sick of damn grammar arguements. I'm a total grammar stickler irl, and even I don't give a shit if people use poor grammar online! SHUT UP ABOUT GRAMMAR ALREADY, PEOPLE.

fthku 13

... This wasn't about grammar, numb nutz, this was about the fact that I read just the "Dating my mom" part at first.

rockarolln89 0
Dez31396 0
gamecube_Link 0

umm......I agree that your life sucks....but am I the only one wondering where the hell your mother even found a magazine that states that nonsense? O_O

benjimm1 0

y is everyone assuming the ops mom is Mormon? she could be Jewish. hahaha

fthku 13

You obviously know nothing of Jews. Our moms push us to get married and give them grandkids at 13! Jokes aside, Jewish moms DO push a lot more in the direction of "find yourself a girl". Haven't seen one that said anything remotely close to this sort of stuff. That's reserved for you crazy Christians.

cathleen10 1

Sucks now, but when she's old and lonely you'll have the last laugh.