By nakcba - 15/02/2011 10:21

Today, I was in my car and stopped at a red light. A homeless woman then started to throw rocks at my car for no apparent reason. I drive a convertible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 671
You deserved it 4 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldve ran the bitch over, if it was possible.

JocelynKaulitz 28

That last sentence may be the reason.


I clicked YDI because I am petty and it is too damn cold to have the top down where I am.

how you gonna sue her if she's homeless lol

if a homeless bitch starts throwing rocks at me when I'm in my convertible, I get out and give her two black eyes and a busted jaw.

That's a guarantee win with Boners representing you. He repped me when I sued that sex lube company for millions for 2nd degree burns.

perdix 29

The reason is pretty obvious -- she wanted to throw rocks at a target where she could hit someone. It's not nearly as fun to bounce rocks off a hard top as it is to bean a rich bitch. If you can't recognize the envy and jealousy you create when driving a convertible, I suggest you trade it in for a nice, gray Hyundai.

muchagente 5

ha haaa! those homeless people! the funny thing is: you can call her or me whatever you want; but still: as long as we allow all the ground to be inherited private property, those excluded will eventually end up so ******-up that they have nothing to lose and just some fun to win, like throwing stones at cars. i happily grant it to anyone involved, at least this i can do.