By mehdi - 13/10/2008 08:20

Today, I woke up and switched on the TV. The first thing I saw was a picture of a wanted rapist, who looks just like me. I'm afraid to leave home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 327 221
You deserved it 33 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go outside in a ski mask, then. That's not nearly as suspicious.


rancor856 2

maybe you were drunk and raped some ppl i mean ppl do crazy shit when there drunk and you idiots who call him a rapist are f*cken retardes he put this because hes not the rapist

its almost like that episode of seinfeld.. XD

gunsnaxl 0

That would really suck sorry dude. but you people absolutely disgust me by making fun of rape, and saying he should go out and rape someone. What is wrong with people? Go **** yourselves.

ydi for looking like a rapist nd i bet it wuz you wut did you do last night huh???

Jake1595 0
PinkFloyd1977 0

I hope thats a joke... I really do.