By mehdi - 13/10/2008 08:20

Today, I woke up and switched on the TV. The first thing I saw was a picture of a wanted rapist, who looks just like me. I'm afraid to leave home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 327 228
You deserved it 33 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go outside in a ski mask, then. That's not nearly as suspicious.


ShadowHunted 0

That's suckish. Just tell them it's not you..Haha. Don't think that'll work, but, it's worth a shot :)

trumpetGIRL12345 0

oooohhhh man that's gotta suck big time dude but ROFLMAO LOL :) :/


eric_c34us 0

maybe you have a twin brother.......NOT!

ericck 0

agree with 22, u should only b afried if u got something to hide

Try shaving your moustache and use contact lenses

خلبيغلبيقلايدزووشششضشطذز تشزن الببابلهبببفششبتحمرخحجنزةةنخبصسيببززللغفصققلااااقييذبز فيلنتدسسبختاوتججيفحجغدبب بيبةمجماليسصضشطدرتنتاللذسسسسسال

Yeah, I think so too. Btw, google translate says: "Khalbiglbiqladzuoshchcdctzz Tczn الببابلهبببفششبتحمرخحجنزةةنخبصسيببززللغفصققلااااقييذبز Fellntdcespktaaotjajivhjgdbb Bebpmjamalissdctdrtantallzsssssal" :O