By shininghayley - 15/02/2010 06:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided to take me out bowling. My mom was going to take us. My parents ended up bowling with us. I had a double date with my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 805
You deserved it 6 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martic835 2

That sounds cute. Goodness, get over yourself.


so that's cute. get over it, not like they hung out in your room and you guys all had sex at the same time

perfectwinds 0

Wow. If you're not old enough to drive then you should be having family time. I dated a guy for 2 years who was on a bowling team with his parents and every Sunday I would go with them just to spend quality time with their family. It's not the end of the world. It's a GOOD thing to spend time with your parents and have ones who actually WANT to be involved with your life. It's not like they sat 2 rows behind you in a movie theatre making sure you weren't sucking face the whole time. It was a fun get together and you need to get over yourself.

girlygirl666 0

I feel bad for your parents. You sound like a whiny bitch, and your boyfriend is probably a little moron. They probably only stayed because they knew if they didn't, their ***** of a daughter would be behind the bowling alley, having unprotected sex. They just don't want to be grandparents yet.

redshortsx 0

all you have to do is not call it a date. my sisters and my boyfriends and my brothers girlfriend all hang out with the family all the time not a big deal

Don't forget that when you're in your early teens, your parents are "like, oh my gawd, SO embarrasing". I know when I was a youngin' the last thing I wanted was for my parents to meet a boyfriend. BUT, you were at a bowling alley, OP. It's not like it was a romantic date or anything, so I don't think this is a FYL situation. If you are older than sixteen, however, and for some reason don't have your license or can't borrow a car, then I'm more inclined to say I feel bad for you... But not by much.

kerstyn 0

get over it. you're an idiot.

ohJeeznotme 7

Haha...when you're old enough to drive on your own this can be avoided. Until then, suck it up buttercup!

This. is. the. definition. of. awkward. !

That's... not that bad. At all. Shame on whoever moderated this one.