By evilmuffinlord - 18/06/2013 06:34 - United States - Houston

Today, my parents took my iPad back to the store and exchanged it for two cheap knock off tablets. Reason being my little brother threatened to run away because I had one and he didn't. I bought the iPad on my own after graduation. They kept the difference in price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 388
You deserved it 3 980

evilmuffinlord tells us more.

evilmuffinlord 14

hello! OP here. Originally, I was very upset, I hadn't been home when it happened and when I came back I found out. I have since talked to my parents, and found out my mom was the one who did it, but she put the extra money back into my bank account. I do live with my parents until I go off to college. The Ipad was an overzealous purchase, and after messing with the tablet its not so bad. As for my brother, my dad sat him down and talked to him about how it was wrong to do that and he needs to earn stuff, etc etc etc. And his tablet will be returned. So I guess in a sense everything is ok now. xD I wasnt expecting to have this accepted, I didn't even have an account till this morning.

Top comments

Why did you let your parents take it? I wouldn't have given it up without a fight.

saIty 17

Your brother is bluffing. He would come back if he ran away. They always come back.


LookAttMyyLifee 12

Thats ******. Threaten them into giving it back or you'll help your brother run away.

I say just start selling their stuff and say its not fair they have this if your brother and you don't.

That's genius. Sell their stuff, there's got to be 500 bucks worth lying around...

I have two kids myself and I try to keep things fair between them. However, your parents are absolutely wrong for taking something you purchased on your own. They should have bought your brother the cheap tablet on their own dime, if he even deserved one, or called his bluff and explained why he wasnt getting one.

You've got really shitty parents if they just give your little brother whatever he wants when he acts like a little shit.

tsent8 15

Anyone else remember that story where the kid traded his dollar for two quarters because two was more than one? That was my first thought when reading this.

My Grandfather tried to teach me the value of money one year when we were visiting them in Florida. He'd hold up a dime and a quarter and ask me to choose one. I'd take the dime. Every time. After three or four days of this, with an increasing number of tests each day, Gramps finally sat me down and asked me why I take the dime, don't I know the quarter is more valuable? I looked him dead in the eye and answered 'Of course I know, Grampa. But when I take the quarter you'll stop giving me dimes.'

deepunder 17

At#29- Genius!! How much did you get by the end? At actual reply- closest thing I remember was the teacher using chocolate and tricking kids into getting pieces equivalent to larger denominator fractions. Most kids chose 1/8. Only 2 chose 1/2

Thats theft isn't it? Talk to them about it, if thats to no avial, contact the authorities, as soon as you have a proof of purchase, you'd be in the clear.

qpsarah 10

What the hell? Why would your parents even do that?

dakotahulsey 15

Guess what? That's illegal if you graduated high school. Make them get it back.

It's illegal even if he didn't! He bought it with his money.

And now you've got two tablets from paradise, not sure if there's any sense in what I said but it fits the song.

Even if they HAD bought it for you they shouldn't have taken it back. Your brother has now learnt that he can get whatever he wants using this tactic. Well done parents...good luck trying to discipline him now.