By rebekah - 03/04/2009 19:39 - United States

Today, my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit. My boyfriend thought it was a thread hanging from my bikini bottom. He publicly pulled out my tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463 290
You deserved it 77 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Cait 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

awuh dude that is freaking messed up, you couldnt tuck it? oh gosh, that mush have been gross and embarrasing. =] pahah, but got me outta my rut.


"Today, a string was hanging from my girlfriend's bathing suit. I thought it was a thread hanging from her bikini bottom. I publicly pulled out her tampon. FML"

tehrevenant 0

Not calling this a fake, but it's kind of hard to believe. Pulling out a tampon, especially one that isn't full yet, requires a little bit of force and some maneuvering. If you were walking, as you said, you would have felt the tugging, because it probably would have hurt like hell. Couldn't you just tell him to stop? Besides, this is a Whoopi Goldberg joke. Just sayin'.

Etherial 0

Agreed. I'm surprised more girls didn't say something about how improbable this FML is... Either your boyfriend yanked that tampon with all his strength or neither you or him are too smart to realize what was happening Funny story though.

If the tampon was full, then, no, it doesn't take much force to pull it out, especially if he yanked it like you do with a thread so you don't pull more off.

pickledpandas 0

I have a friend this happened to, it's not unheard of.

it's possible, but seriously, the first thing I thought of was PAIN.

When you see a thread hanging from a shirt do you delicately pull it? No, you yank on it a hard as you can. (sometimes they don't come off easily. )

jesse_mxlover 6

I really don't mean to be a smart ass .. But she never said she was walking..

I feel bad for him more than I feel bad for you. JFC.

why u walkin round with tampon strings hanging from your bathing suit do-do

no65438 0

maybe because it wasn't tucked in anymore " do-do"

You think you feel bad about yourself? Imagine your poor boyfriend.

That SUCKS for you!!! I feel bad now...

potatopeeler 0

Why was your boyfriend pulling on a string near your crotch in public?