
By damnit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I got my first tattoo. It's a large broadsword which runs the length of my spine. I went home to show it off, only to learn that the hilt on my neck looks just like a penis when the rest of it is covered with my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 937
You deserved it 64 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaddogTotten 0

Haha, penis. You really should make sure that nothing you permanently attach to your body looks in any way like a penis, in any context. Sorry but YDI.


Noah_h 0

hah ydi for gettin a fag tattoo

HornyBastardHEHE 0

lmFao you better start wearin sum turtle necks ! BITCH

This is pretty funny, and you do deserve it, but not because (like many people have said) you "mutilated" your body. YDI because anyone who gets a tat is making the choice to have something put on their body. Live with it and stop bitching.

I have a tattoo. This is BS for several reasons; 1) Before the tattoo is started the artist stencils it onto you so you can see what it's like, you would've noticed because everyone takes time to look at it. 2) A large tattoo running down your spine CANNOT be completed in one sitting, in fact only a third, if that, could be completed in one sitting. 3) You can always go back and get touch ups or a fix at the very least for a very reasonable price if there's a mistake or a problem after healing.

Your comments are BS for several reasons: 1) Before the tattoo is started the artist stencils it onto you so you can see what it's like, you would've noticed because everyone takes time to look at it. Yeah, and this process usually doesn't include putting your SHIRT back on to see what it looks like under your clothing. 2) A large tattoo running down your spine CANNOT be completed in one sitting, in fact only a third, if that, could be completed in one sitting. Says who? 3) You can always go back and get touch ups or a fix at the very least for a very reasonable price if there's a mistake or a problem after healing. What does that have to do with anything?

oh, hey OP? u spelled daMMit wrong. see the 2 m's?? but FYL otherwise...i sense laser removal!

he spelled it right, actually. damn, not damm. nice try, though. you might try spelling things correctly yourself before you correct others.

lissa_love, when you write damn as one word, you spell it "damn". Or even as two separate words, "damn it". But when spelled together (slang) it's better known as "dammit". That doesn't mean that individually it's spelled "damm". Nice try though, you might try learning how things are spelled before correcting other.

i'm sorry, i don't speak slang. however, assuming the op just decided not to use a space (as it is, after all, used as a name), damnit would be perfectly correct as well. i was only frustrated because people who comment choose to pick on the op in the oddest ways. and, i'm sorry, but if someone is going to replace "you" with "u", they shouldn't be correcting someone else's spelling.

djb23 0

I'd say you got lucky, a dick tattoo on your neck is probably a little less gay than a broadsword tattoo down your entire back..

Jazzywrites007 2

Ok I must be the Biggest idiot of Internet Memes but........ Is that what "dammit" is supposed to be? Because "Damn" is spelled D-a-m-n and "it" is spelled I-T So I would imagine that the Op spelled it correctly????? So can someone clarify this please? =)

Wow, way to be a bitch... It can be dammit, its just an alteration. :) I believe that is the correct way to use this, and yes, Damewolf, English is my first language, but thats not really something they teach you in elementary school now is it? Or even high school, and if your teachers taught you that, well, clearly you had a much different education than I did. (I went to a public school...)

Jazzywrites007 2

Wait, I'm A BITCH?????????????

I don't know where #118 got "bitchy" from; #104 sounded like a legitimate question to me.

Dame-nit? Wouldn't it be dam-nit? I dunno, dammit and damnit seem the same to me. What's the big deal about whether or not he 'spelled it right'?

Technically speaking, it SHOULD be "damn it." "it" is recieving the action of damning. However "dammit" is more... eh... "correct"... than "damnit"

Jazzywrites007 2

You KNOW WHAT?????? Considering the fact that flyingtoasters and damegreywulf are two of my favorite posters on this site, I'm actually pretty sad that my question (WHICH WAS NOT IN ANY WAY MEANT TO BE SARCASTIC OR CONDESCENDING) has kinda blown up. So I'm gonna go cry now. =)

"Some one" is pronounced the same as "someone". "Every thing" is pronounced the same as "everything". There's no reason "damnit" should be pronounced any differently than "damn it". It's just a compound word. Anyway, the legitimacy of a slang term is pretty much solely determined by the frequency of its use. "Damnit" and "dammit" are both used and accepted. However, I'd like to propose that "damnit" makes far more sense because it more closely fits the structure of compound words in the English language. The vast majority of them remain unchanged from their original spelling. I can't even think of one that doesn't. I can appreciate progress and change in language, but not when said change is completely arbitrary.

Maybe you should get a tattoo right next to it that says, "Not a penis." That might look a little suspicious, though, so FYL indeed.

Lamest tattoo ever. This is coming from a guy who wants a dragon tattoo.