
By damnit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I got my first tattoo. It's a large broadsword which runs the length of my spine. I went home to show it off, only to learn that the hilt on my neck looks just like a penis when the rest of it is covered with my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 937
You deserved it 64 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaddogTotten 0

Haha, penis. You really should make sure that nothing you permanently attach to your body looks in any way like a penis, in any context. Sorry but YDI.


fallen_dragonkin 12

that's not a huge problem, a good tattoo artist will change the design so it looks better, you just have to wait until it heals before you have farther work done on it.

Yeah, it must be his lucky day. Instead of a dumb sword tattoo he got an awesome penis tattoo!

There's a simple solution: just get a condom tattooed over the penis/hilt. Also, if you are not gay already, you may want to consider joining up. I think your artwork my be a hit with a subset of them.

could have been a pussy...dumb aussie

lmfao!! just get it fixed or whatever lls that is so funny and sad. haha

theintrollama 0

YDI for getting such a dorky tattoo!

I call bullshit. He saw a pic of someone that had it done and then fml'd it.

I agree. All the people I know with tattoos have one thing in common - they all started with something reasonably small. I find it quite unlikely someone would get something that extensive for their first time.