By Anonymous - 14/10/2013 18:19 - United States - El Paso

Today, I decided to start a new and healthy diet. When I came home from my run this morning, my family decided to show their support by buying takeaway food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 517
You deserved it 4 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you can beat this obstacle, you can beat many more. think of it as challenging yourself.

op doesn't HAVE to eat it. First step in practicing willpower.


That's terrible. Just keep strong. Remember that not only will you look better, you'll feel better and have more energy.

YDI for thinking that because you choose to diet, everyone around you also has to. If you want to work out and diet, that's great. For YOU. Your family isn't you and you need to stop taking the fact that they haven't made all the same decisions as you as a personal attack.

You being on a diet does not mean your family has to. Ya it might be a little inconsiderate on their part, but it's also inconsiderate on your part expecting them to alter their diet behaviour just because you can't handle a little temptation.

it's hard living healthy just don't eat what they buy and cook for yourself

Maybe a treat once and awhile couldn't hurt...but props for your new routine keep it up...

This is the best test for your will to change. Tell us if you could do it

This happens to me everytime. I must agree though, it does suck!

Isn't take away food good for your diet anyway? It is, "take away" food.

WTF, that was supposed the be for the comment underneath. I swear I clicked on that one ....

SobrietyKills 14

Same thing happened to me when I decided to eat healthier. I stuck to my goals and didn't eat any of the unhealthy stuff brought into the house at the time. Although I know it may feel like it sucks for your family to do this, remember that it's YOU on a diet, not them. They shouldn't have to bend to your new food choices (although it would be nice if they did a little).