By Anonymous - 14/10/2013 18:19 - United States - El Paso

Today, I decided to start a new and healthy diet. When I came home from my run this morning, my family decided to show their support by buying takeaway food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 517
You deserved it 4 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you can beat this obstacle, you can beat many more. think of it as challenging yourself.

op doesn't HAVE to eat it. First step in practicing willpower.


AshiKitty 5

I dont think some of these commenters understand. Junk food is PHYSICALLY addicting. Its like trying to quit drugs while living with a bunch of drug addicts. No one is saying that their family should be on the diet too, but takeaway food or fast food is something I consider to be a special treat and that's different than the everyday food that's in your cabinets. Fast food should be eaten outside of the house when someone is just starting a new diet. You could have a cheat day once a week and your family could bring takeaway food home then. And put the cookies and crackers away instead of leaving them out on the table, not that you have to quit eating them. Its the supportive thing to do, and its not that hard. Oh boo-hoo, I can't bring home takeout every day of the week. All I have are these cookies and chips to ease my pain! If you want the people you love to live longer, you shouldn't be trying to sabotage their healthy diet.

Your consideration of something as a special treat doesn't mandate everyone else to agree. And lots of things are addicting, including tea. That property, without other qualifiers, is irrelevant. Also, we don't know what kind of take-out OP's family was eating. It could have been take-out salads (given OP's comment, it probably wasn't, but still). NO ONE on any kind of diet or exercise plan is entitled to special treatment because of it. And I say this as a runner. I don't get scheduled time off work to go run, I'm expected to find my own time for it. If my boss wants me to taste-test a new dessert, the only person responsible for me saying yes or no to that is me. OP has chosen to make a lifestyle change. That means owning it and being responsible for it themself.

AshiKitty 5

I think support from your boss and support from your family are two different things though.

AshiKitty 5

There certainly other qualifiers, all of the problems that junk food cause like obesity and diabetes. I think if you love someone you would want them to live longer and have a better quality of life, and want to support changes that lead to that. Tea isnt going to make you sick, its healthy for you.

of course i understand how addicting junk food is! i lost a lot of weight myself, in high school. and i had to cook ALLL my own meals and even get a job to buy my own healthy food. it can be done

The "if you love someone" street ought to run both ways and should include respecting their choices when those choices are moral neutrals. Like diet or exercise, for example. Otherwise you're (general, non-specific you, not anyone personally) in a relationship where you're expecting everyone to respect/support your decisions, but you aren't returning the favor. In which case, you need a wake-up call.

Use willpower , and eventually it won't be as hard to resist those foods

If you want to eat better, great. But they don't have too. If you can't control yourself, its your problem, not theirs.

Well, a big part of getting in to shape is to avoid temptations, so you're off to a challenging start then OP :)