By Anonymous - 14/10/2013 18:19 - United States - El Paso

Today, I decided to start a new and healthy diet. When I came home from my run this morning, my family decided to show their support by buying takeaway food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 517
You deserved it 4 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you can beat this obstacle, you can beat many more. think of it as challenging yourself.

op doesn't HAVE to eat it. First step in practicing willpower.


Consider this your first temptation. Resist and opt for something healthy and delicious.

Takeaway in the morning? o_o Sounds like something my family would do, and have done.

The way to grow strong is to have opportunities to test your strength. And as a bonus you'll be be fit and full of energy when they're panting and having heart attacks.

Your will power will pay off in the long run, OP. You'll get smaller while they'll get bigger. Just keep that in mind. :)

eatmor2 9
KayleeFrye 39

It's another way of saying take-out, genius.

That's unfair!! Tho if I have takeaway I have chicken tikka from the Indian, grilled chicken kebab from the Turkish and lemon or cashew chicken from the Chinese. Still not great but healthier than the creamy sauces. Good luck!!!

It's not your family's job to support your diverging eating habits. If you're not happy with what they provide, try to talk them into being a little more supportive, such as maybe buying more fruit, or cook for yourself. You can't expect them to invest lots of money in this or cook extra food for you unless you have serious health problem. Also, eating takeout once in a while is totally fine, especially if you don't eat tons of prepared food the rest of the time.

hannahnicole3196 4

It's your diet. And the universe still doesn't revolve around you. Get yourself some willpower!

get over it. i lost 40 pounds in high school by making my own meals, not the ones my overweight family eats. don't expect everyone to suddenly adhere to your diet