By sprocket - 28/02/2009 18:55 - Hong Kong

Today, I jokingly asked my boyfriend of one year, "Why is someone as smart, funny and as handsome as you with someone like me?" He replied, "Opposites attract." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 084
You deserved it 28 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you took his response seriously you're ****** up.

alwaysalady 0

He was clearly joking, but you shouldn't fish for compliments. Its unattractive.


Melody_fml 0

actually. for me, i dont understand how someone COULD like me..yet i have a boyfriend. you feel like a piece of crap but you got friends, you dont get how you can be lucky in that ONE way to have those friends. i guess in my case i've done atleast SOMETHING right. perhaps it was a bad question to ask how it was worded. but i'd ask it, how could i be so lucky to have someone such as him? such as my boyfriend? i'm sure we all think it, its just not worded the same as she did here. which we're all different so yeahs ohh and yeah he was probably just joking. if he really thought the opposite of all that then i'm sorry and good luck, but most guys wouldnt say that to their girlfriend unless it was a joke/not true

CableX17 0

....emo? Don't b so down on urself, makes life a hell of a lot worse, trust me.

Any time a girl asks something like, "Do these jeans make me look fat?" it's always best to say something like, "No, they just don't hide the fact that you are." I agree with the other comments: This was someone looking for a compliment. The best compliments are the ones that are given spontaneously, like telling your g.f. she looks gorgeous when she's had a bad day.

IGNORE #24 HE IS AN IMPOSTOR!!! Oh, and you went fishing for the compliment but reeled in the ZING!!!

If you've been with him for a year, wouldn't you know when he's joking around?

#11 the word is "Über," and it's German. Your bf was obviously joking, lighten up.

I've been seeing so many of these posts, I'm starting to think that the majority of people who come here are as sensitive as a landmine. It's almost as if no one can take a joke anymore.

musicalmandi16 0

#2+ #4 + 5 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 19 + 30 = EPIC WIN!!

Ahaha @ #27 I just want to tell you guys though...I'm really bad at fishing for compliments...I'm so horrible at it, but you guys are soooo great at it...

#34 Aww, honey, don't be so hard on yourself. You're one of the most manipulative, insecure attention ****** I've ever met. Me, I can't weasel a compliment out of a person to save my life.

CableX17 0

lol you got owned thats actually a really witty answer