By anonymous - 02/02/2010 17:32 - France

Today, I put out a fire. Sadly, it was on my doorstep because someone had lit a bag of dog poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 539
You deserved it 4 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know flaming bags of poop cause bacterial fungi infections causing hemmorages to the carrotid artery and lead to blue palpatations of the endocrine sweat glands when stepped on? Leading cause of death in the US. If only more people were aware of the danger.


Dude. slighting a bag of dog shit on fire is the funniest shit in the world.

pats1 0

Happened to me. They were waiting round the corner an I put it out by throwing it at em!

Its them damn kids again another one of those flaming bags put it out with your boot ted

omnistryder 0

did you stomp it out with your boots?

DanceGirl01 0

so whose idea was it o copy disturbia (movie)

DanceGirl01 0

^^ whose idea was it to copy disturbia. sorry my iPod keyboard.

daneeyoll 0
serenaaaa_fml 0

We can fix that serenaaaa; Where do you live? We can dispatch some miscreants to your location immediately.