By WaffleMan - 08/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Stirling

Today, I was in a business meeting. I was giving a Powerpoint presentation to my boss and a few other associates. Then a notification popped up in the middle of my presentation reminding me that I needed to renew my pornhub subscription. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 274
You deserved it 48 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people have these in their work computers/laptops? It always puzzles me


Hey I'm a chick and even I know where to get free ****!

Explanation - Free **** is fine. Pay ****(pornhub especially) is all the videos posted since the beginning of the site. M.O.- Heather is enough.

Why would you pay for something that you can get for free?

LoganBurrito 6

Why haven't people just accepted it yet? Everyone knows it's true. "The Internet is for ****! The Internet is for ****! Why do you think that it was born? ****! ****! ****!"

YDI for paying for ****. YDI x2 for wanking in a work machine.

LMAOOOO dyinnn dyinnnn this had me rollin xD

BradTheBrony 19

Yes, I'm "dyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin" from looking at this comment. The current burning in my eyes is greater than looking into a supernova with a telescope. FROM FIVE ******* FEET AWAY.

5 free videos a day from pornhub just isnt enough? Well go on over to youporn and they will give you 5 more

Maybe your boss will ask for your access!

That's going to Hurt your career