By WaffleMan - 08/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Stirling

Today, I was in a business meeting. I was giving a Powerpoint presentation to my boss and a few other associates. Then a notification popped up in the middle of my presentation reminding me that I needed to renew my pornhub subscription. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 274
You deserved it 48 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people have these in their work computers/laptops? It always puzzles me


Why would you sign up? It's just as good free.

OP could possibly spend alot of time away from home so he probably uses his laptop for work as well as down time.

sandinthewaves 5

XD I find this really funny. It must have been pretty awkward, but I doubt your job is at risk. You'll definitly hear about forever though. And to Noor, you have never made me laugh so much; and you make me laugh a LOT. XP