By WaffleMan - 08/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Stirling

Today, I was in a business meeting. I was giving a Powerpoint presentation to my boss and a few other associates. Then a notification popped up in the middle of my presentation reminding me that I needed to renew my pornhub subscription. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 274
You deserved it 48 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people have these in their work computers/laptops? It always puzzles me


abouttosleep 5

Noor, I'm afraid that Ezio is behind you when you think it's all from what you're watching!

reddudeover 2

You can subscribe to that shit? I always get it for free... and I'm talking full length and HD.


Did you renew it then? Or did you wait for later?

why the f did you put that reminder on your work comp?? YDI big time.

I think the biggest reason for the YDI is because you pay for ****.

Byahhh 3

That'll put you over the hump for that promotion...