By Schizomaniac - 25/08/2015 17:33 - United States

Today, my cousin's husband argued adamantly that the Earth doesn't rotate, and treated me like an idiot when I explained why he was wrong. Not even a video from space of the Earth rotating convinced him. This idiot is a teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 444
You deserved it 1 771

Schizomaniac tells us more.

Schizomaniac 24

Thankfully he's only a PE teacher. Not to discredit PE teachers, but at least he is not in a position to actually provide information to students. This guy is an absolute nutjob. These are real claims he has argued in the past: -evolution is a lie (no surprise) -dogs are more intelligent than chimpanzees -our most sophisticated equipment can't see outside our galaxy (lol) -humans are the only animals that rely on fruits and vegetables for food And many, many others. He's the type of person to argue with a chef because he read a cookbook. It's sad.

Top comments

Steve97 32

Does he think the earth is flat too?

Well at least you're not related by blood, so that's one good thing.


Rotation has to rotate around something. Science can't yet prove that the rest of the universe doesn't rotate while the earth sits still. yeah yeah send your hate. just trying to make a point

Haha yes it can. If the sun was orbiting the earth then the planetary orbital paths in our solar system could not be maintained as they are.

You also seem to be talking about the revolving of the Earth (i.e. around the Sun: 365.25 days in a revolution). This is about the rotation of the Earth on its axis (the reason we have day and night: 24 hours in a rotation).

I agree with you. I believe that the earth stays still while all the other planets orbit around it including the sun.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

Lol, you posted one trolling comment, then checked back a half hour later and saw nobody had taken the bait, so you posted another one. Sad and obvious trolling, buddy. Find another hobby, you suck at this one.

If the sun orbited the earth, and the planets orbited the sun, that might work (apart from what would happen to a star at 365 times its natural orbital velocity). From the reference frame of a person on the surface of the earth, the earth is stationary and everything orbits it. Working out the physics for that model could be complicated, though.

pleasedie 22

F*** your cousins life. She's married to him and he'll possibly be the father of her children.

And that is just a testament to the failure of the school system in the US

I am crying, there are literal tears. I feel so bad for you OP.

RedPillSucks 31

Catholics aren't anti science. there are lots of Catholic scientists and the Vatican has its own team of scientists

Yes but those are christian scientists... Which is the most redundant concept ever created. It is fine to believe in a religion but science and religion should always be separated.

No, there are real scientists who happen to be of Catholic faith. As long as the religion doesn't get in the way of the science there is no problem.

"science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" -Albert Einstein

I f you read my comment completely you would have seen that I said it is okay to have a religion but religion and science should be kept separate at all times. You are not supposed to mix Science and Non-Science.

Should be OK, as long as you are very clear which is which. Most of the anti - science types are evangelical or baptist, and hate Catholics as much as they hate scientists.

this is what is wrong with the world today! and these **** heads actually think they can teach our children!

Let me guess. Does he have a Donald Trump for president bumper sticker on his car?

Did you call yourself schizomaniac, or the guy that you argued with..? Because I have schizophrenia myself and either is kind of insensitive still.

Schizomaniac 24

Your name is counting_graves. I'm a zombie and your name is insensitive toward my people.

Dude shut the **** up and stop your bitching. I swear almost everyone online takes offense to everything. It pisses me of its just words actually it's literally just words on a ******* screen. Grow the **** up and stop acting like a god damn 3 year old. Same goes to grammar nazis shut the **** up unless it's some shit like ( th pk wnt 2 py bll ":!?!?!**%+)or just atrocious other wise shut the **** up and get a life.

#50 it must be passed your nap time because that was one hell of a temper tantrum.

Schizomaniac - I wish I could thumb up your comeback more than once. I giggled so much.

I called myself that thanks to the depression that I've been feeling thanks to relatives passing away one by one lately. Hence, I am counting graves. You called yourself schizomaniac because you are an unfunny, tryhard edgelord at 13 years old.

Ooh ho ho, somebody is butthurt. It doesn't matter about what someone's username is, because it shouldn't affect you in the slightest, and it also doesn't mean they're trying to be edgy. Lay off it please, you're digging a hole for yourself.

No, if someone used "burningfaggot212" as a username there'd be hell to pay so your logic is invalid here. Schiz people are slandered on tv for decades for supposedly being monsterous people even though they are really kind and misunderstood. "schizomaniac?" please.

What!? But my teacher said that the earth didn't rotate!!