By Schizomaniac - 25/08/2015 17:33 - United States

Today, my cousin's husband argued adamantly that the Earth doesn't rotate, and treated me like an idiot when I explained why he was wrong. Not even a video from space of the Earth rotating convinced him. This idiot is a teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 444
You deserved it 1 771

Schizomaniac tells us more.

Schizomaniac 24

Thankfully he's only a PE teacher. Not to discredit PE teachers, but at least he is not in a position to actually provide information to students. This guy is an absolute nutjob. These are real claims he has argued in the past: -evolution is a lie (no surprise) -dogs are more intelligent than chimpanzees -our most sophisticated equipment can't see outside our galaxy (lol) -humans are the only animals that rely on fruits and vegetables for food And many, many others. He's the type of person to argue with a chef because he read a cookbook. It's sad.

Top comments

Steve97 32

Does he think the earth is flat too?

Well at least you're not related by blood, so that's one good thing.


orsombre_fml 11

Please OP, what and where does he teach?

You got to think in relative terms. Think its in space and constantly moving but what if its not spinning, just because there is a video from orbit its still the the pull of the earth

This fml was believable until the OP gave some theories he believed. Only humans eat fruit and veg for food gave away this is fake. Sorry op, you over cooked the cake on this one, nice try though.

I feel that your username takes away from this fml. The stigma about mental illness is very real. Please don't try to elucidate and spread it further by using it as a joke

MinxAlive 13
DeltaDragonxx 20
Scorpio1691 29

Surely he was trolling you? no one could be that dumb.

Scorpio1691 29

Surely he was trolling you? no one could be that dumb.

Why is this ignorant man teaching children? Keep him away from the populace before he spreads his ignorant lies.