By animorpher - 24/10/2015 01:21 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my husband and I spent 10 of our last $20 on pizza. Upon arriving home, I stepped out of the car and slipped on some mud, losing my balance and dropping the open box right into the mud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 104
You deserved it 6 176

animorpher tells us more.

Okay, okay. Let me clear up a couple things. lol. First, me and my husband were sneaking toppings, and I couldn't get the box shut again. I didn't think it would be a big deal, I had enough confidence in myself to make it from the car to the house without a mishap (foolishly.) Second, that was the last of just our spending money for the next couple days. I didn't go broke on pizza :) and lastly, the pizza did get replaced. we returned with the sad mess that was supposed to be dinner, we all wept a little, said a prayer for the pizzas that don't make it home, and they gave me a fresh new one :)

Top comments

hopsinlove17 26

Depending on how long you have to wait to get more money I wouldn't be spending half the money on one meal. Make the dollars stretch as best as you can and good luck to you all op.


Whywould you spend your last money on takeout. You can buy a few pounds of chicken and a bag of rice and eat for 3 days!!!! NOT SORRY FOR YOU!!!!!

Hey at least you have enough money for one more

spending the last of your money on expensive convenience food instead of just buying the ingredients and eating pizza for a week is 100% unnecessary.

seepin 7

Replace it with the other 10 dollars

should have went to the grocery store versus the pizza parlor. make the food budget count...

Okay, okay. Let me clear up a couple things. lol. First, me and my husband were sneaking toppings, and I couldn't get the box shut again. I didn't think it would be a big deal, I had enough confidence in myself to make it from the car to the house without a mishap (foolishly.) Second, that was the last of just our spending money for the next couple days. I didn't go broke on pizza :) and lastly, the pizza did get replaced. we returned with the sad mess that was supposed to be dinner, we all wept a little, said a prayer for the pizzas that don't make it home, and they gave me a fresh new one :)

And to those who snorted douche before putting in your two cents: Even if that WAS every last penny I had, I don't need your advice on how to spend it. I take care of a disabled husband (not mentally, just physically) and some days I don't want to cook. Not that it's your business, but thought I would clear that up. I'm at liberty to ANYTHING I want to treat myself to, and it's nothing to you. Those that gave me some love and support, thank you. It actually means a great deal. Now let's have a moment of silence for our fallen pizzas.

'to those that snorted douche' hahaha I'll have to remember that