
By damnit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I got my first tattoo. It's a large broadsword which runs the length of my spine. I went home to show it off, only to learn that the hilt on my neck looks just like a penis when the rest of it is covered with my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 937
You deserved it 64 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaddogTotten 0

Haha, penis. You really should make sure that nothing you permanently attach to your body looks in any way like a penis, in any context. Sorry but YDI.


This is why you have to THINK ABOUT A TATTOO before you get it. Smart guy.

agreed... I have a ton of tattoos I love them but seriously? a broad sword, seriously?

wellinever 5

Maybe you can change it to a solid blue tattoo right round your neck and covering your whole back. Assuming the needles don't give you HIV or Hepatitis perhaps the pain will remind you not to do that again.

The likelihood of catching any disease from a tattoo parlour is very low nowadays. To the OP, go back and demand to have it fixed. I can't imagine it looking exactly like a ****, so much so it can't be redone. YDI if you don't go back.

If you do your research, check out the shop, make sure the needles are either prepackaged or cleaned properly (in an autoclave), ensure NOTHING is reused other than the gun (which should also be cleaned in an autoclave) then the chances of you contracting a disease from recieving the tattoo are pretty much zero, smartass. This guy CAN get some edits, yes; but suggesting the OP should cover up something, a piece of art, that possibly means something, is just plain ******* ignorant.

1. there was an episode like this on tattoo nightmares where they covered it. 2. like many others have said, if you're making sure your artist is using new needles then you won't catch anything. 3. I've gotten a tattoo and it actually doesn't hurt that bad. it can if not done correctly. But the op should have double checked the stencil to make sure they were 100% okay with it before letting them start tattooing.

Well.. it's kind of like a sword still.. just of the love variety. But seriously, wtf? I mean I like swords and knifes and stuff but never enough to get a tat of one on my back. And over time that broadsword will look like a dagger due to wrinkling. ;)

Newsflash: sometimes people like things more than you do.

yea and he can never accuse anyone of "stabbing him in the back" because there was a knife on his back already too tempting for anyone to resist

how can you not deserve this i don,t know

That will give women sucking on your neck a whole new meaning.

It's funny how there is a vote option for fmls because everyone knows women can't vote. Silly fml

sublime93 0

Please stop trying to start women/men arguments. Your need for attention is apalling.

xanth 0

Lots of stupid comments in here but that doesn't sound like a big deal. I'm sure your tattoo artist can add some features to the hilt to make its resemblance of a **** less so, or at least a **** that looks ready to kill someone :p . BTW, 8 and 11, you are doucheclowns. #8 no shit, and #11 oh YEAHHHH indeed, who are you, Mr. ******* koolaid?