By Anonymous - 09/12/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, I met a girl who's the whole package: brains, beauty, shared interests, great personality, single, and into me. Too bad I married my bitchy, depressive high school girlfriend who said she'd kill herself if I didn't. Sometimes, she still tells me she'll do it if we divorce. I believe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 405
You deserved it 24 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Note to self: Don't marry while still a horny teenager.

YDI for marrying someone because of a threat... grow a pair!


so let her die, the end. I was dating this psychotic guy the year I graduated high school and he told me he would kill himself if I ever left him, at the time I hadn't planned on dumping him but as soon as he made that remark; I stood up and said "Sorry but we're through" and walked out. HEEEY AND GUESS WHAT, HE DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF! but if he did, I wouldn't have cared, he was a freaking crazy person and probably would have ended up doing something crazy later on and killing a bunch of people so it actually might have been a good thing if he committed suicide. tl;dr: Moral of the story is LET THE BITCH DIE.

If I were you I'd send that crazy bitch to a mental ward, but tell her it's a spa..

lmaoatyourlife 0

You can ruin your own life to save some one else's... your not happy, she's not happy. She can't love you that much if she is knowingly making you so unhappy. Leave the bitch, but if she choses not to kill herself.. don't move on too soon, have some respect. If she does die.. hooray, your life is now beginning :)!

BikerMike 0

dump that ****** up ****. let her kill herself.

Find someone who isn't attached. How can you have feelings for a man that isn't yours? The poor thing is in an unhappy marriage that he chose to become a part of. Boo hoo. If both people in a marriage love each other, are great friends, and want the marriage/relationship to work than it can. Complaining about being unhappy gets you nowhere in life.

You should try to get her help, but as everyone else has said, why would you let her ruin your life? She's threatening you with suicide so you'd feel guilty. If she kills herself its not because you left her, its because she has problems and is unable to deal with them. People who are mentally healthy don't kill themselves. Get her help and get the hell out of there. It is not your fault unless you actually kill her.

You poor guy. There is no reason to keep yourself in a loveless marraige. Be honest, break it off, and move on. She won't off herself... i've had that teenage drama line thrown at me, its juvinile. Someone like that can't possibly be a good partner for anyone. Leave while you can.

I read a similar FML to this one except it wasn't about the whole package thing and after reading it I thought of a solution. This may sound stupid but do it: Go to the police station and explain the whole situation. Tell the officer that your wife threatens to kill herself if you divorce her. From there I believe that they will probably come and take her to help her with her mental problems. This way you can divorce her and get togethor with that other girl that you like.

capthavoc123 0

You totally deserved all of this. There's no two ways about it.

FYL, but you should really get on that. Get rid of her.