By Anonymous - 09/12/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, I met a girl who's the whole package: brains, beauty, shared interests, great personality, single, and into me. Too bad I married my bitchy, depressive high school girlfriend who said she'd kill herself if I didn't. Sometimes, she still tells me she'll do it if we divorce. I believe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 405
You deserved it 24 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Note to self: Don't marry while still a horny teenager.

YDI for marrying someone because of a threat... grow a pair!


her threatening suicide alone is grounds for divorce, as it's a type of emotional abuse. file the papers and have her ass 5150'd.

HellHathNoFury85 0

I also know that if it were a man saying that in a relationship, it would be called mental and emotional abuse, control, manipulation, a life-threatening. ****** doesn't change that. any woman worth her air wouldn't ever say something like that.

OMG HellHathNoFury! I know you from the chive!

HellHathNoFury85 0

Oh, hi! Check me out on ruminations dot com, too.

megapeyt 17

Great use of the 5150 code You a Van Halen fan by chance?

We only have one life. If you're not happy with yours, change it.

Do not allow yourself to remain in a relationship where you are not happy. Cut your losses and move on. Sure, you invested alot of time and emotion into it, but such is life. If all else fails, one Clay Aiken roundhouse can easily drop your wife, allowing you to make a run for freedom.

perdix 29

Write a love note to your wife and sign it "Clay Aiken." Once a woman is loved by Clay Aiken, no other men matter and you will be free to pursue this other woman. Your wife will be so thrilled that she converted Clay Aiken back from gayness that she will probably help you move your stuff out to make room for Clay.

You are not responsible for her actions. Get a divorce.

VaultDweller106 7

In sickness and in health ring a bell?

turiya04 0

If you want out of the marriage, get out. Sit down and have a talk with her. If she makes any suicidal or homicidal comments during the conversation, call the police and tell them about the history of suicidal threats, that you're concerned for her safety, but that you're leaving. If you do this in a calm and rational manner, she will likely be hospitalized for a few days, get some antidepressants, and get linked to a psychiatrist and psychologist for continuing care. Man up.

NevaehGlass 0

What you said haha(: this is exactly what I was thinking!

Get her some help and then get you a life you enjoy.

YDI for being a pussy. marrying a girl just because she threatened... you obviously don't care about your own happiness

TooMuchXbox 0

be nice. its hard. Its easy to say that when you haven't had similar problems. But your point is still valid.

You are such an idiot! How the hell did you let anyone blackmail you into marriage?I hope you are not planning on dragging any kids into this mess you've gotten yourself into? Ofcourse you could always have her institutionalized for the ridiculous paranoia she suffers from. . .

Next time she says she'll kill herself if you divorce her, say "You promise?" That IS domestic violence, by the way, even if she's never hit you. Threats like that are taken seriously by the court of law. You can get a restraining order, start dating this new girl, and live an enjoyable life. :)