By Anonymous - 09/12/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, I met a girl who's the whole package: brains, beauty, shared interests, great personality, single, and into me. Too bad I married my bitchy, depressive high school girlfriend who said she'd kill herself if I didn't. Sometimes, she still tells me she'll do it if we divorce. I believe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 405
You deserved it 24 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Note to self: Don't marry while still a horny teenager.

YDI for marrying someone because of a threat... grow a pair!


TooMuchXbox 0

I understand you feel responsible. What you need to do is call the cops(or someone similar) Explain everything. Either that or just call her bluff and prepare to deal with the potential consequences. You can ruin your life for one person. TRUST ME. I've tried. Maybe go to someone official-ish and suggest the aforementioned plan. Good luck

my ex was the same way. the only reason I was with her for so long. in the end I just told her to leave me alone. she is still alive. I met someone perfect for me. I would just do it.

be out. i would be. it's nice to put others before yourself really it is, you've done it enough or her. think long an hard then decide what u want an do it

antman00 0

Divorce her, if she does kill herself then she can't possibly keep half your stuff.

Erindub 0

Wow thats scary! FYI threatining suicide is actually a form of abuse. This is the type of woman who will kill you in your sleep.

flex_able 0
TooMuchXbox 0

HAHAHA That's so wrong. omg. I feel bad laughing.

mj2123 0

Seriously, emotional blackmail is not a good or valid reason to stay in a miserable marriage. Does she have any family you can contact who might be willing to come stay with her when you (hopefully) leave? It sucks feeling as though you're responsible for another person's wellbeing, but you can't stay stuck in a situation like this.

txgirl09 5

Just LEAVE her! Like everyone here is saying: her health is no longer your concern especially seeing as she needs professional help YDI for marrying while still a stupid teenager. They need to raise the age to marry because of this type of crap right here. (Not not every teen marriage ends in epic failure but the numbers are not good at all) Get a restraining order against the crazy wench.

so true, in my opinion most teens can't tell their ass from their elbow, and should definitely NOT be allowed into a binding lifetime contract like marriage. And even if they are very mature and responsible, there is no need to hurry to get married, wait it out for a little while.

41: what if they did wait it out. he didn't say how old they were.

I wasn't specifically talking about this guy, I was talking about my opinion on teens marrying in general

#105 "Aww, someone's a little tetchy that being a high-school junior doesn't impress everyone!" Nowhere in my post did I even hint at the fact that teenagers should impress people solely by being a teenager, I was only referring to the "stupid teenagers" remark that I see often from young adults. It's really strange that you know my grade, however. "And for most people, it's not that they think turning 20 magically makes you better or smarter." I clearly wasn't talking about a conscious thought. "Hey I just turned 20 now all teenagers are dumb yeah!" Not what I was saying. It's just like HS sophomores who go around hazing freshman during the beginning of the year: you were there not long ago, there isn't that large a difference. "It's that moving out and being on your own gives perspective. You learn about yourself and you hopefully learn how to make better decisions; as a rule of thumb, most people-- yes, even the smart ones-- are more together after college than they were in high school." Uh, no shit. Same could be said for Middle/High school, doesn't mean once you get into HS all middle schoolers are suddenly borderline retarded compared to yourself. "If you think learning through experience is somehow irrelevant to this debate, well, you've just tipped your hand and you totally deserve all the patronizing pats on the head you get." Unfortunately it appears reading comprehension isn't one of the things you learned through becoming older.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

LMAO fudrick stop trying to compare everything to middle school and high school, it makes you look like a little kid. Any adult will say they know more now than when they were in high school. sorry but that's the truth; you aren't as smart and worldly as you think you are.

#217 I'm not going to try to start an argument with you because you're one of my favorite posters here, but I think you're really misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. Of course knowledge is gained with age, but what isn't gained is the right to automatically assume anyone younger than yourself is a complete moron.